Indaver signs Kanadevia Inova as its EPC contractor for the construction of the Rivenhall IWMF and Energy Centre

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Indaver signs Kanadevia Inova as its EPC contractor for the construction of the Rivenhall IWMF and Energy Centre

Indaver has appointed global green-tech company Kanadevia Inova as its EPC contractor for the Rivenhall Integrated Waste Management Facility (IWMF) and Energy Centre project in Essex, United Kingdom. The EPC contract has been signed and Notice to Proceed is effective on May 9 2022.

Kanadevia Inova has already been preparing the contract with Indaver for the Rivenhall project for over 12 months. Kanadevia Inova will be responsible for building the Waste to Energy (WtE) element of the IWMF and Energy Centre, working alongside civil contractor PJ Hegarty Limited and earth moving contractor Tom Blackwell Limited.

The first phase of construction which began in March 2021 is now completed, as 3 million tonnes of soil has already been excavated from the site.  This has created the space for the other contracts to now begin.

The Waste to Energy part of the facility is on track to begin commercial operations in Q1 2026, with a capacity of 595,000 tonnes per annum.

The total permitted capacity of the IWMF is 853,000 tonnes per annum including other waste management activities. The total projected investment for the IWMF is up to £600 million.

Kristien Schoonjans, Group Engineering Director, Indaver said: “We are delighted to have assembled the best contractors for this project and very much welcome Kanadevia Inova to the team. Together with Indaver’s experienced Project Management team, I believe we can deliver this project on time and within budget.”

Fabio Dinale, VP Business Development at Kanadevia Inova said: “The UK’s drive for sustainable waste management includes clear recycling targets as well as ensuring that non-recyclable waste does not end up in landfill. However, it’s important that this waste is also appropriately managed to allow energy and valuable materials to be recovered in the process and lower our overall carbon footprint. Modern WtE plants like the Rivenhall IWMF and Energy Centre will make significant contributions to meet these vital social and environmental goals.”

John Ahern, Business Development & Commercial Director, Indaver said: “We are looking forward to further develop our discussions and engagement with the Local Authorities and key market players on this much needed development.”

With the signing of this EPC contract, Kanadevia Inova will begin work on its 16th project in the United Kingdom.

Through improved recycling and maximum recovery of energy and valuable materials from waste, Indaver intends to keep leading the field in sustainable waste management.


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