Swiss Technology On The Rise In China

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Swiss Technology On The Rise In China

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China’s first Kompogas® plant to be built in world’s largest city
The delivery of two Kompogas® digesters for a biogas plant in Chongqing marks the successful entry of Zurich-based Kanadevia Inova into the Chinese market. Kanadevia Inova’s dry anaerobic digestion technology is thus establishing a foothold in a market that offers considerable potential.
With the signing of the contract to deliver two PF1800 Kompogas® steel digesters to German Bio Energy Technology (GBE) for the biogas plant project in the Chinese city of Chongqing, Swiss clean-tech company Kanadevia Inova has successfully entered the Chinese market. Located in Sichuan Province and covering an area of 82,400km2, with a population of just under 30 million Chongqing is said to be the largest city in the world.
For Kanadevia Inova and its local partner GBE, the plant in Chongqing is their first joint project. “In China, the composition of mixed city waste is often unpredictable, which calls for a certain degree of solid technological experience in this field,” explains Markus Dicke, CEO of German Bio Energy Technology. “Kompogas® technology is the only one which can prove to fit this requirement, promising optimal biogas production. The decision to choose technology leader Kanadevia Inova was therefore taken at an early stage,” he added.
The biogas plant will be constructed at a local waste disposal site, where the deliveries of household waste will first be sorted. The two digesters will then process up to 200 tonnes of the separated organic fraction every day, producing around 6.7 million Nm3/a of biogas and compost.
Contributing to Green Waste Management
As a COP21 member country, China has made considerable efforts and investments in the area of sustainable environmental and waste management in recent years, and has also been turning its focus recently to the recovery of energy from organic waste. “For us as an international company, this project is a key milestone in establishing a foothold in the highly competitive Chinese market. We are also proud of the contribution we are thus making to sustainable waste management in China,” said Andres Kronenberg, Vice President Sales at Kanadevia Inova.
Inova Grates for Chinese WtE Plants
With regard to China’s environmental objectives, Kanadevia Inova is also making an important contribution in the area of thermal waste treatment. In collaboration with its local licensees and clients, the company has recently been able to install its proven reciprocating grates in major thermal WtE plants, including three grates for the project in Changshu, a grate for the expansion of an existing facility in Yiwu, and a further grate system earlier this year in Jieyang.
Contracts are already on the verge of being signed for other thermal waste treatment projects, while the pipeline for the development and construction of further Kompogas® projects is also promising at present.
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