Severnside, UK

Waste to Energy


350,000 t/a

Energy recovered

district heat, electricity

Thermal energy

2 x 62.6 MWth

The goal of the WtE plant in Severnside was to thermally treat the lion’s share of municipal and commercial waste collected in West London rather than disposing of it in landfill. Now the plant generates enough electricity for 50,000 households. If required it can also be switched over to additional heat generation. Another special feature of the project is that most of the waste is delivered for treatment by rail via a station built specially for this purpose by the waste bunker.


  • Type of system: air-cooled Kanadevia Inova reciprocating grate
  • Fuel: municipal and industrial waste
  • Calorific value: 9.3 MJ/kg
  • Number of lines: two
  • Boiler design: five-pass boiler
  • Flue gas treatment: DyNOR, SNCR, scrubber, Kanadevia Inova SemiDry


  • Sita UK

Commencement of operation

  • 2016

Components supplied by Kanadevia Inova

  • general contractor for the entire plant, including construction work