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Existing Danish customer Bigadan has awarded Kanadevia Inova two further biogas contracts: the construction of a CO2 liquefaction plant in Kalundborg on Zealand and a membrane gas upgrading plant near Nysted on the island of Lolland in Denmark. The plants, which are scheduled to start their respective operations in April and January 2026, will contribute to achieving national decarbonisation targets with the firm commitment and...

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Kanadevia Inova has completed the construction and commissioning of another new Waste-to-Energy facility in the UK ahead of schedule. This milestone in the Slough Multifuel project al-lows the Performance Acceptance Certificate to be granted, enabling the plant to be handed over to the facility’s owners, SSE plc and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners. Now the highly efficient plant will enter full commercial operation led by Kanadevia Inova’s...

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